This tragic early cancellation was the first of many. I know there were many other shows cancelled before their time, I am only listing the ones in this genre that I was sad did not get to see out their potential.
- Star Cops 1987 (one season, nine episodes). Policing in the near future in-system space travel. Really interesting BBC drama.
- Babylon 5 1993-97 (four seasons, eighty eight episodes, some TV movies of side stories). It starts pretty slow and cheesy, but builds into a magnificent space opera. The threads are pulled together starting in the middle of the third season, and the breakneck drama is just wonderful. Strong supporting cast and enough space battles, evil telepaths, and unusual aliens for anyone. The fifth season was cancelled and so they rushed to finish the arc at the end of season four. It was successful enough that they then had a fifth season, but pretend they didn't and stop after season four (really). You will have to suffer a bit through the early seasons, but the later seasons are the best science fiction television there is.
- Strange Luck 1995-96 (one season, seventeen episodes). A charismatic guy has unusual things happen around him, both good and bad, but it usually ended well. Filmed in Vancouver. One episode was at the gas station just down the block from where I lived at the time in East Vancouver.
- Farscape 1999-2003 (four seasons, eighty eight episodes). A modern day Earth pilot goes through a wormhole and ends up embroiled in galactic empire politics. The show re-uses every over-used science fiction plot with a space ship and crew but does something great with every one. Enjoyable characters. Well written and acted. A satisfying on and off again romance. Cancelled right before the beginning of shooting the fifth and final season. There was a follow up made for TV movie: do not watch it.
- Firefly 2002 (one season, fourteen episodes). This was a real heartbreaker. Gritty "western in space" show with an underdog spaceship crew fighting the corrupt system. Well written, well acted. Cancelled because they could make two reality TV shows for the same price. Regrettable follow up cinematic movie.
- Wonderfalls 2004 (one season, thirteen episodes). A woman in Niagara Falls gets verbal instructions from inanimate objects that help people around her. There is a very sweet romance. Although it was cancelled, they did manage to wrap it up nicely. It is a very fun way to spend a rainy weekend.
- Charlie Jade 2005 (one season, twenty episodes). A multiverse plot, with three parallel Earths and a select few, including the title character, that can travel between them. Got distracted with fight and sex scenes but then had an interesting arc going right before it was cancelled. Beautiful Cape Town scenery.
- Pushing Daisies 2007-09 (two seasons, twenty two episodes). A man has the power to bring things back to life, but with some interesting conditions. Very lighthearted and fun show. They manage to wrap most things up when they knew the show would be cancelled, with a few loose ends.
- Dark Matter 2015-17 (three seasons, thirty nine episodes). Canadian production of the space ship with motley crew variety. Not actually that good, but it had some of the feel of Firefly. Some good writing and a quite attractive main female character. I haven't watched the third season yet, don't know whether it wraps up well or not.
- Sense8 2015-17 (two seasons, twenty three episodes). Very innovate show with eight people around the world telepathically linked. There is a plot involving evil sensates hunting down free groups, but the focus is really on the sharing of cultural and sexual orientation differences. I really liked the first season, have been too sad to watch the second.
Of course, there have been shows I have enjoyed that have seen it through to the end of five+ seasons that are worth watching: Doctor Who (since 1963 with a hiatus between the classic and new series, 840 episodes!); Buffy the Vampire Slayer (same writer as Firely); Xena Warrior Princess (transcends its cheesy roots); Highlander (variable quality but some great orgasmic arcane power scenes shot in Vancouver and a title song by Queen); Lexx (innovative science fiction that loses focus sometimes in soft core porn); Blake's 7 (interesting that Blake was not in some of the seasons and it was still good, but it really did finish because everyone died in the last episode).
Current shows I am watching that I hope they do not cancel include: Mr. Robot (only watched the first season so far -- wow, gritty!); Westworld (really well written and acted); the 100 (surprising good); Travellers (some suspension of disbelief required for the method of time travel, but very consistent with it after that, well acted with another quite attractive woman); Altered Carbon (one season so far that had a little too much combat, but a solid future universe with issues, and another quite attractive woman that our hero is going to try and rescue in season 2).