Thursday, October 3, 2024

My father, Anthony Brittain Robinson, died last month

He was 97 years old, and in good mental and physical condition until the last few days he spent in the hospital after collapsing at his retirement home. There is an obituary for him on a web site hosted by the funeral home that handled his cremation: 

My parents separated when I was four years old and later divorced. My mother went back to her maiden name and took me with her, which is why I am now a Wetton although I was born a Robinson. My father stayed a committed parent and took me for every holiday from then on. I got to see the province as I came to visit at the places his career as a professional forester took him. There are a lot of things to admire about my Dad. He had a successful career and really cared about the people that worked for him. He designed and built a cabin on Babine Lake (that is still standing). He was a real gentleman and I have had many kind words about him from his friends and the staff at his retirement home. My wife and I got to know the old man version of him well when he lived with us through COVID. He will be missed. 

These are pictures I took of him at his home in Kamloops just before he moved down to Vancouver. They were publicity shots for his books, still available (I think) on Amazon.