Friday, July 28, 2023

Hobbies during MSU visit Summer 2023

I spent most of July in "exciting" East Lansing, Michigan, on my usual visit to work with Keith Promislow at Michigan State University. We have worked collaboratively on many research projects over the years. This year, we worked on computational models of Sea Ice and how the methods could be understood in a more general framework. We made concrete progress on how to derive and compute general gradient flows for intrinsic curve motion. Here is a computational video of an example of what we did. If you want the details, I will present this work at some conferences in the Fall and we should have a preprint of the results by the end of the year. I know they pay me to do mathematics, but this project is quite fun, so I thought I would mention this in my "hobby" post.  

For actual hobbies, I did some embroidery:

and some paper mache:

and I made this playlist on YouTube music following the suggestions for progressive metal. By my tastes, the bands on the list are one (or two) hit wonders, with the exception of Porcupine Tree. Standout songs are Ghost of Perdition (Opeth) and Pneuma (Tool).