It must be May, I am back in exciting East Lansing Michigan working with Keith Promislow at Michigan State University. He and the group here are great to work with and we've done a bunch of good things together. We've started some new projects this year. I didn't take me long to settle back in since I knew my way around pretty well. I am in the same glorified dorm room as last year.
Not much has changed here since last year. They finished (finally) the road construction on Harrison and Trowbridge and started up on the main road through town, Grand River. There is a Chipotle outlet. This is a great fast food place, pretty healthy with some commitment to local and organic food. I haven't been to the one here yet but have been at other places and really enjoyed it.
The new art gallery on campus is also finally finished. Actually, I think the building design is really interesting. I have heard that the permanent collection inside is not that great.
The MSU bike place is no longer renting out old bikes that they refurbish, they have moved to using new bikes. I was disappointed at this and asked why they had made the change. Apparently, it just cost too much in parts to keep the old bikes in good condition. Something is wrong in the world when it is cheaper to buy completely new than fix up an old item with some life left in it. Anyway, here is my trusty steed for this year.

My exploration this year will be non-chain fast food places within riding distance. Going once a week (on Mondays) I'll never be able to see them all - it is a college town, full of fast food places for students. This week I went to nearby Giorgio's pizza and got a slice of pizza and a greek salad. Salad, that's pretty good for a fast food place. The pizza there is non-traditional in that it is not all tomato sauce, grated mozzarella and then other things. I see they have listed a mac and cheese and bacon pizza. Hmm... anyway, not bad but not as good (and more expensive) than Uncle Fatih's which is the Vancouver place I go to. However, it did have salad! So, Giorgio's advertises "grinders" if you can read the writing in the picture below. I believe that is Michiganian for "sub sandwich". My next stop will be Mena's in Hanna Square (where my local gym is). They advertise "hot dubs" (and enough times it's not a spelling mistake), but I am not sure what that is - yet!

(long delay - I am writing this now in August, catching up on my blogging)
So I did go on to Mena's later on that trip. A Dub turns out to be a grilled wrap. I got a "loaded dub" which had potatoes, bacon, cheese, and ranch dressing. It was actually quite good. I would go back there. They also advertise breakfast dubs. If you look online, there are a lot of reviews of Mena's. It looks like the kind of place frequented by MSU students seriously close to blood alcohol poisoning. When I went school was out of session and it was relatively quiet and quite civilized.
The last place I went to was a place called "Five Guys: Burgers and Fries". I discovered later it has a number of locations across the continent, even one in Vancouver. Because of this, it can't be counted as one of the local places I had intended. I thought the burger I got there was fantastic, the fries only OK.
The cinema at Meridian Mall has reopened (Studio C!). I went to see Iron Man 3 there. This is seriously the best theatre that I have ever been to. It has leather seats, fancy food and you can get beer. There is a seating grade higher that gets you reclining seats and waiter service. I didn't get that but would on my next trip!
I went to the annual art fair in East Lansing. I saw it the first year I went but last year I came after it had already happened. There are some very nice pieces at the show. I bought a necklace for Lealle with matching earrings (which she has never worn - I have not had much luck over the years finding things to her taste). I bought a nice bowl for myself which I brought back with me. Red and blue, my favourite.
I cycled a bit further afield this time in the other direction (East). I took the interurban trail shown below to the townlet of Haslett. "Interurban" is a funny term for the trail that goes from the outskirts of East Lansing to near Haslett. My guess is that this is part of a planned route going from more major centres, or maybe someone just has a dry sense of humour. It was a very nice trail, and I had breakfast in Haslett with the Promislow family at Fernando's cafe at the end of it. Good times.