Saturday, October 15, 2022

I am a Professional

Of course, I have been a professional academic for many years now, but the summer before last I made my debut as a professional craft maker. I was an "emerging artist" at a craft event at Britannia Community Centre (where I have some history). I actually sold a few things, but not enough to call it a success. My brand was Three Circles Pottery (and Paper). 

Since then I have become more interested in paper mache crafting, maybe because it is similar to pottery but I can do it at home and there are more options for decoration. My latest creation was a funerary urn (for ashes after cremation). I started with cardboard and my glue gun, then covered with office paper and decorated with tissue paper and acrylic paints. 

I have also made some bedside jewelry holders. Some have different numbers of beads for different compartments so you can find the right one in the dark, or when you can't find your glasses.

I made this double bowl for my sister to hold all of her craft stuff. There are some pictures of the process. These pieces just seem too light to me, so I add some coins to the base to make them a bit more stable. 

And then here is a mix of some other things I have made recently:

I am building up stock for another attempt at selling my work. I have looked into online sales (Etsy, Amazon Homemade, ...) but the whole process of having to bundle things up and mail them off seems like too much work. The platforms I mentioned also have very heavy fees (not unreasonable fees, but it would make it hard to make it worth my time). Ideally, I would be such a famous craftsman that people would commission me to make things for them. Second best would be to find a local retail store that was interested in putting them up for sale. The more likely scenario is that I try selling at a larger craft fair when I have some stock built up (but before my patient wife gets tired of the piles of paper mache in the apartment). 

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