Thursday, January 22, 2015

Card Wars

I am playing a new iOS game on my phone on the bus back and forth to work (I mostly cycle one way and bus the other on a given day - I have a large office in an old building with room to leave my bike). The game is Card Wars, based on a hilarious episode of the cartoon, Adventure Time. One of my Magic playing friends played it for us (it is episode #92) and is a mockery of more advanced Magic play. Well worth watching. So the iOS game is an electronic take on that game and is quite fun but with some flaws. If you know the game, I am coming up to quest #60 and am mostly playing with Princess Bubblegum as a hero and I went with Sandy Lands because of the Beach Mum card, readily available near the beginning of the game and I believe the strongest rank 2 creature (strong defence, decent attack, good activated ability):

It is a fun game, but the flaws are becoming apparent. To advance you either have to try for cards in a random chest that costs actual money or collect weaker cards by repeating early quests that you can combine to more powerful cards. But... to collect enough cards to do this you have to buy more card space. The blatant cash grab aspect of this is distasteful. In addition, there is no way to just get the cards you want, they all come out at random and no way to trade online. So, I will play for a while longer but the end is in sight. There is a physical card game you can get as well, with quite different rules. I have a set of decks, still looking for a buddy to play with. If only my friend Richard in England would come back to Vancouver...

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