Sunday, January 10, 2016

Brian's Movie Pick from 2015: Ex_Machina

I am not a regular movie goer, but I see a few actually in theatres now because of the fancy theatre in East Lansing, where I visit every year for a month and have free time on my hands. That is where I saw Ex_Machina. I would have dismissed it as uninteresting, "male fantasy sex robots", but I had been told that is was more than that. There is a aspect of that in the movie, but put in suitable (squicky) context. It was a compelling movie and had an ending I had not expected.

Of course, it is also possible to see some first run movies soon after they end in theatres through purchase or rental on iTunes and other paid streaming services (or unpaid with some extra effort). Some appear quickly on monthly streaming services like Netflix. My #2 choice for 2105 was "The Man from UNCLE" that I saw that way, at my daughter's recommendation. That was a really enjoyable, witty film that has re-watchability.

The fancy East Lansing theatre is actually in nearby Okemos, Studio C!. I say it is fancy because you can pay extra to get reserved seating in large, reclining leather seats with meal and bar service. I have been in East Lansing every year for the past five years for a month working with a close colleague at Michigan State University. I am scheduled to go back there this year.

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