I go to a massage therapist on and off. I first started going a few years ago when I had real, ongoing pain in my neck. This is the kind of thing that started happening when I crossed 50. I see Derek Wone at Rain City Massage Therapy. He has really helped me through several ongoing issues and I enjoy our conversations. I really recommend him if you are looking for a therapist, with the caveat that I have only ever been to see him, so I don't have a wide comparison sample.
There is always a question whether to give someone you pay a tip or a holiday present. I tip my hairdresser and give her a holiday present, but you wouldn't tip your doctor (sorry if that profession wanted to start a trend that way) because it would somehow be a professional insult. Students can't tip me because of professional integrity. Sometimes they give me presents after marks are posted, but I strongly discourage them, and sometimes have to refuse the gift if it is too extravagant.
So, the line I took with Derek is the middle one: no tipping but a holiday present. This year, it was a "vanity" gift, a T shirt I had embroidered, shown below. The raindrop thing is my attempt at their logo. He seemed to like it, or was at least polite.
The gift was very nice of you. Sometimes it is the little stuff and the homemade gifts that touch someone's heart more than a five dollar tip. Even if that gift isn't well made, which yours is. The person receiving the gift knows how you feel more deeply. I can definitely see the love you put into making the shirt.
ReplyDeleteBrooke Burgess @ East West College