Thursday, May 12, 2016

Minecraft Regrowth Modpack

I have been playing the Regrowth modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10, available as a third party pack on the Feed the Beast launcher. It is a quest driven pack, with the aim to restore the world after it has been left devoid of plant, animal and villager life, and depleted of all mineral resources. It has the flavour of Agrarian Skies and Skyblock, in that you have to follow the quests to gain access to basic and then more advanced plants, trees, and other materials. This one does start you on solid ground, although it is a wasteland. It has Botania as one of the major mods, which I have come to enjoy quite a lot. It's crafting system works really well extended to quest driven progression, as well. One of the other major mods is Witchery, which I have never really been able to get in to. It seems like so much work with so many fiddly details and not much interesting comes out. I should work through to the end of the Witchery quests in this pack and see if anything changes my mind. The main tech mod is Mekanism, which I have never seen before. It is interesting, but pipes don't seem to always work as you would like, so in that sense Thermal Expansion is still my favourite for basic technology. I will end with a picture of my base tower, a variant on my current architectural design:

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